Saturday, August 31, 2019

Experiences of Child Poverty Essay

London is the capital of the United Kingdom. The administrative structure in Greater London consists of 32 counties (boroughs) and the City of London, extending over 1584 kilometers  ². The population of London is around 7.5 million however throughout Greater London about 13 million people live. The GDP per capita for The UK is $36,500. London is the richest part of Britain and yet it has the highest rates of poverty in the UK. Lagos is the largest city in Nigeria. With an estimated population of 8.8 million inhabitants in the city, or rather 10.7 million in the metropolitan area, Lagos is the second largest city in Africa. The UN estimates that at its present growth rate, Lagos state will be third largest mega city in the world by 2015 after Tokyo in Japan and Mumbai in India. Lagos is the main city of the south-western part of Nigeria, Africa. The GDP per capita in Lagos is $3,649. Over 10,000 people arrive at Lagos every week in search of jobs and most end up in the city’ s mega slum do to the lack of job opportunity. Children living in poverty are those who experience deprivation of the material, spiritual and emotional resources needed to survive, develop and thrive, leaving them unable to enjoy their lives, achieve their full potential or participate as full members of society. The easiest way to quantify child poverty is by setting an absolute or relative monetary threshold. If a family does not earn above that threshold, the children of that family will be considered to live below the poverty line. Absolute poverty thresholds are fixed, whereas relative poverty thresholds are developed with reference to the actual income of the population and reflect changes in consumption. This is not always accurate, as it is only an average and there are people earning millions who affect that average GDP per capita. In poor areas of London there are many problems that face children. The poor areas tend to be in places that lack jobs and job opportunities e.g. Hackney, Such poor areas can really affect the child’s life due to their living conditions. These children are living in relative poverty as they do have access to clean water, food and shelter which is provided by the state, but are considered poor to the rest of society as they can’t afford luxuries and normally depend upon benefits to get though life. These areas that lack job opportunities have high unemployment rates and so people have low incomes and often relate to crime as it is the culture of the area and people feel they do not get enough support from the government and feel let down and ignored. These poor areas are prime spots for drug dealers and drug addicts. This is significantly bad as they have a low income and so can’t afford the drugs and so they use the money which would have been spent on the children E.g. quality food. Rather than spending the money on better quality food they spend it on the drugs they are dependent on as they are addicted and so the child looses out as they tend to be mall nourished. Being mall nourished can increase the chances of becoming ill which then in turn means the child is less likely to spend time in school as they are off ill. This then affects their learning and they under achieve which means they have a less chance of ever getting a job and so they are trapped in the poverty cycle. It is then rely difficult for the children to break out of the poverty cycle due to many factors that affect them. Whereas Children living in the slums of Lagos also suffer from poverty, however the majority live in absolute poverty as they do not always have access to clean water, food and shelter, for example these children don’t have access to clean water and so most of the water is contaminated with diseases like cholera. Allot of children catch cholera from drinking dirty water which makes them ill and as most of the children have no access to health care due to their parents being born they can remain ill for a long time and it can be fatal. Being ill means they cannot help to provide for the family and the money being spent on their health cannot be spent on other vital things like basic food stuffs. It is hard to get out of both cases of poverty; however the children in the slums of Lagos are worse off and have a lower standard of living than the children living in Hackney. The majority of children living in poverty in Lagos are born to poor parents. Because of things like adult poverty, lack of education, unemployment, disabilities and discrimination significantly affect the causes of child poverty. Lack of parental economic resources such as disposable income restricts children’s opportunities and therefore the children are unable to go to school and allot of these children are forced to work. The problem is that allot of these jobs where children are forced to work are very dangerous and can cause injuries, health problems and even death. E.g. the recycling of old oil drums that contain harmful toxins. The main reason why the children in Hackney are trapped in the poverty cycle is because of the parents/Careers as well. The cycle of poverty is when a family remains in poverty over many successive generations. Family issues can play a big part in the reason for the child being submitted to a life of poverty. If the parents get in debt then this can be the cause of allot of stress, this can also cause the child to have stress which can affect their learning ability and health. Stress can also cause breakups between couples; this can lead to single mothers who are left on their own to support the child and themselves, which can also lead to father stress. Most single parents are unemployed because they haft to look after the children and so they rely on benefits. Teen pregnancies in both MEDC’s and LEDC’s are big causes of child poverty. Children resulting from unwanted pregnancies are more likely to live in poverty; raising a child requires allot of resources, so each additional child increases demands on parental resources. Families raised by a single parent are generally poorer than those raised by couples. This can be a big issue in LEDC countries such as Lagos. Many teens abandon their children as they simply do not have the resources available to support their child as they cannot claim benefits as they do not exist. Where as in MEDC’s, teen moms are supported by the government and family. The problem in Lagos is that children generally suffer from absolute poverty; however there is also relative poverty. With absolute poverty children generally do not have what they need. They are short of basic food, water, shelter, clothing and adequate or sufficient health care. Where as in Hackney people do not suffer from absolute poverty and so are better off, however they live in relative poverty that is poverty under relative terms is viewed as being what some people lack in relation to other people. In my opinion the worst experience of child poverty in Lagos would be the lack of Clean water which causes a significant amount of deaths and illnesses and affects the family as a whole as the money used to pay for the child’s healthcare comes from the money normally spent on other necessities like food or education. The government of Nigeria could provide communities with wells however it would cost a phenomenal amount of money , and the majority of the people don’t live on legal grounds as they have just moved there and have not actually paid to live there and so the government would not be allowed to build wells as most of the people don’t have permition to live there in the first place. The worst experiences for children living in Hackney would be the culture of the area and so children grow up with crime related experiences, this then means that most of the children get brought up with crime and this can keep them in the poverty cycle. The government of Britain could increase prison sentences and increase policing in these areas. This policy would be expensive however it would increase the standards of living for these people and help them get out of relative poverty. Both cases of poverty affect the child’s opportunities in life. This means they are limited jobs available to them or unemployment if there is a lack of job opportunities. There future generations will probably also live in poverty, whether absolute or relative. They will rarely experience if at all the luxuries and experiences we take for granted. Their only hope getting out of poverty is if the government adopts a poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP) and use schemes like the growth of the cities and urban development, employment opportunities and poverty reduction and housing schemes. Also the best way to reduce child poverty would be to reduce child labour and increase accessibility to education by building more schools and improving the quality of education. This is a key point that governments need to adopt in order to reduce child poverty and help break the poverty cycle.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Lesson Plan – 3

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Notes in the Five Main Lines of the Treble Clef I. Objectives At the end of this learning session, the students should be able to: A. will learn to identify the names of the notes on the staff in the treble clef. B. appreciates how the notes in the treble clef are important. C. creates new idea in forming a music. II. Subject Matter A. Topic Lesson: Notes in the Five Main Lines of the Treble Clef B. Instructional Materials Flash cards C. References Ricci Adams Copyright 2000-2005 http://www. childrensmusicworkshop. om/musictheory/lessons/html/id10_en. html Copyright  © 1999-2012 Demand Media, Inc. http://www. ehow. com/how_5125488_teach-children-music-notes. html http://www. ehow. com/how_6352010_beginners-can-learn-music-notes. html http://www. ehow. com/list_6188183_games-music-staff. html III. Procedures A. Preliminary Activity 1. Opening Prayer 2. Checking of Attendance 3. Mood Setting Teacher’s Activity| Student’s Activity| Hi class Good Morning! Today we will have a new lesson. Are you excited to learn new lesson? But before that I’m going to show you these pictures.What do you call this? (Showing G-clef)Okay, you are raising you hand, Ms. /Mr. _____________________Very good! Ms. /Mr. _____________________. You may sit down. Now, this one what can do you called this? (Showing the Staff)Yes you Ms. /Mr. _____________________. That’s right, Thank you Ms. /Mr. _____________________. And last, what is this? (Showing Quarter Note)Yes you Ms. /Mr. _____________________. Yes, thank you Ms. /Mr. _____________________. Okay, children. Look at the picture of the Staff. What do you observe? Let’s hear from, Ms. /Mr. _____________________.And how many lines and spaces does the Staff has? Very good observation, Ms. /Mr. _____________________. Ms. /Mr. ______________ said that the Staff has five lines and four spaces and that is right. Today, you will learn about the Five Main Lines and the Four spaces of t he Treble Clef. | Good Morning teacher Nikki! Yes we are! (students raising their hands)(students raising their hands)(students raising their hands)(students raising their hands)Teacher, the Staff has lines and spaces. The Staff has five lines and four spaces. | B. Lecture Teacher’s Activity| Student’s Activity|The staff is the foundation upon which notes are drawn. The modern staff is comprised of five lines and four spaces. When we say Treble Clef it is also called the G Clef. Class, please get your papers and your pens. Because we will draw G-clef. (Teacher Nikki is teaching how to draw the G-clef. )Okay, It seems that everyone knows how to draw it. Good job children And now, on the other piece of paper, draw the staff. Remember, that the staff is consists of 5 lines and four spaces. Everyone, all done drawing their own staff? Now everyone knows how to draw a G-clef and the staff.Let us combine the two. Always remember that the G-clef or any clef is located at the l eft side of the staff. On your drawn staff. We will add the G-clef. Draw a G-clef sign on your staff. Okay, everyone is done. Children, what do you observe to your drawing? Do you think it is incomplete Ms. /Mr. _____________________? Very Good answer Ms. /Mr. ____________ you may sit down. As Ms. /Mr. ____________ said that staff has Notes on it. We will discuss now the notes in the treble clef or the staff. Treble Clef consists of five lines and four spaces.Each lines and spaces represents a note. Now let us discuss the Names in the Line. There are five lines in the staff, and this notes spell out the word â€Å"E-G-B-D-F†To make you to be more familiar to name of the lines we will call it:â€Å"Every-Good-Boy-Does-Fine†Ms. /Mr. _____________________, what does E-G-B-D-F stands for? Alright Ms. /Mr. ____________ Were done with the lines of the staff, now let’s go with the Spaces. Just like the lines, spaces have names to. We can simply call it the, â€Å"F-A- C-E†What do we call the spaces in the staff Ms. /Mr. _____________. Thank you Ms. Mr. _____________ We are now familiar with the names inside the staff. Now, let us combine the names. As you seen, starting from the first line the next is the space, followed by the another line then space and line again, space and line and final space and the final line. It means that the first line stands for â€Å"E† followed by the space letter â€Å"F†. Then the line again stands for â€Å"G† and then the space â€Å"A†. Then the line again stands for â€Å"B† then the space letter â€Å"C†. The middle line stands for â€Å"D† for the next space letter â€Å"E† and for the final line stands for â€Å"F†.Or we can simplify this as, â€Å"E-F-G-A-B-C-D-E-F†| (Students get their papers and pens. )(Students are concentrating in drawing their G-clef. )(Students are drawing their staff. )Yes teacher! (Students are drawing. )(Ye s it is incomplete, because every treble clef has Notes on it. )â€Å"Teacher it is, Every-Good-Boy-Does-Fine†(Teacher, we call it F-A-C-E)| C. Application Teacher’s Activity| Student’s Activity| (Random Showing of Musical Flash Cards)For your activity we are going to play, play but just sitting on chair. I am going to show you flash cards and then tell me what note is it.Let us answer all together. But children remember, do not shout Are you ready children? What note is this.. Next.. Finally.. Very Good children! Thank you for your participation. | (Yes we are! )â€Å"E-F-G-A-B-C-D-E-F†| D. Evaluation Teacher’s Activity| Student’s Activity| For your quiz, get a piece of your paper and then number it from number one to 5. Ready class? Okay let us start. Answer these questions without cheating. I’ll only repeat it twice, so please listen carefully. 1. The Musical staff is consists of ________________ and ________________. 2. There are _____ lines in the staff. 3.There are _____ spaces in the staff. 4. What are the names in the spaces of the staff? 5. What are the names in the lines of the staff? All done? Pens Up! Please pass your papers in front. I’ll give the results tomorrow. And the highest will receive a small prize | (Students get papers) Answer:1. Lines and Spaces2. 5 / five3. 4/ four4. F-A-C-E5. E-G-B-D-F| E. Assignment Teacher’s Activity| Student’s Activity| For your assignment. Please read about Bass clef and Ledgers lines. That’s it for now. Hope you learn something today. God bless. | (Students take notes)Goodbye and Thank you, Ma’am. | Lesson Plan – 3 A Detailed Lesson Plan in Notes in the Five Main Lines of the Treble Clef I. Objectives At the end of this learning session, the students should be able to: A. will learn to identify the names of the notes on the staff in the treble clef. B. appreciates how the notes in the treble clef are important. C. creates new idea in forming a music. II. Subject Matter A. Topic Lesson: Notes in the Five Main Lines of the Treble Clef B. Instructional Materials Flash cards C. References Ricci Adams Copyright 2000-2005 http://www. childrensmusicworkshop. om/musictheory/lessons/html/id10_en. html Copyright  © 1999-2012 Demand Media, Inc. http://www. ehow. com/how_5125488_teach-children-music-notes. html http://www. ehow. com/how_6352010_beginners-can-learn-music-notes. html http://www. ehow. com/list_6188183_games-music-staff. html III. Procedures A. Preliminary Activity 1. Opening Prayer 2. Checking of Attendance 3. Mood Setting Teacher’s Activity| Student’s Activity| Hi class Good Morning! Today we will have a new lesson. Are you excited to learn new lesson? But before that I’m going to show you these pictures.What do you call this? (Showing G-clef)Okay, you are raising you hand, Ms. /Mr. _____________________Very good! Ms. /Mr. _____________________. You may sit down. Now, this one what can do you called this? (Showing the Staff)Yes you Ms. /Mr. _____________________. That’s right, Thank you Ms. /Mr. _____________________. And last, what is this? (Showing Quarter Note)Yes you Ms. /Mr. _____________________. Yes, thank you Ms. /Mr. _____________________. Okay, children. Look at the picture of the Staff. What do you observe? Let’s hear from, Ms. /Mr. _____________________.And how many lines and spaces does the Staff has? Very good observation, Ms. /Mr. _____________________. Ms. /Mr. ______________ said that the Staff has five lines and four spaces and that is right. Today, you will learn about the Five Main Lines and the Four spaces of t he Treble Clef. | Good Morning teacher Nikki! Yes we are! (students raising their hands)(students raising their hands)(students raising their hands)(students raising their hands)Teacher, the Staff has lines and spaces. The Staff has five lines and four spaces. | B. Lecture Teacher’s Activity| Student’s Activity|The staff is the foundation upon which notes are drawn. The modern staff is comprised of five lines and four spaces. When we say Treble Clef it is also called the G Clef. Class, please get your papers and your pens. Because we will draw G-clef. (Teacher Nikki is teaching how to draw the G-clef. )Okay, It seems that everyone knows how to draw it. Good job children And now, on the other piece of paper, draw the staff. Remember, that the staff is consists of 5 lines and four spaces. Everyone, all done drawing their own staff? Now everyone knows how to draw a G-clef and the staff.Let us combine the two. Always remember that the G-clef or any clef is located at the l eft side of the staff. On your drawn staff. We will add the G-clef. Draw a G-clef sign on your staff. Okay, everyone is done. Children, what do you observe to your drawing? Do you think it is incomplete Ms. /Mr. _____________________? Very Good answer Ms. /Mr. ____________ you may sit down. As Ms. /Mr. ____________ said that staff has Notes on it. We will discuss now the notes in the treble clef or the staff. Treble Clef consists of five lines and four spaces.Each lines and spaces represents a note. Now let us discuss the Names in the Line. There are five lines in the staff, and this notes spell out the word â€Å"E-G-B-D-F†To make you to be more familiar to name of the lines we will call it:â€Å"Every-Good-Boy-Does-Fine†Ms. /Mr. _____________________, what does E-G-B-D-F stands for? Alright Ms. /Mr. ____________ Were done with the lines of the staff, now let’s go with the Spaces. Just like the lines, spaces have names to. We can simply call it the, â€Å"F-A- C-E†What do we call the spaces in the staff Ms. /Mr. _____________. Thank you Ms. Mr. _____________ We are now familiar with the names inside the staff. Now, let us combine the names. As you seen, starting from the first line the next is the space, followed by the another line then space and line again, space and line and final space and the final line. It means that the first line stands for â€Å"E† followed by the space letter â€Å"F†. Then the line again stands for â€Å"G† and then the space â€Å"A†. Then the line again stands for â€Å"B† then the space letter â€Å"C†. The middle line stands for â€Å"D† for the next space letter â€Å"E† and for the final line stands for â€Å"F†.Or we can simplify this as, â€Å"E-F-G-A-B-C-D-E-F†| (Students get their papers and pens. )(Students are concentrating in drawing their G-clef. )(Students are drawing their staff. )Yes teacher! (Students are drawing. )(Ye s it is incomplete, because every treble clef has Notes on it. )â€Å"Teacher it is, Every-Good-Boy-Does-Fine†(Teacher, we call it F-A-C-E)| C. Application Teacher’s Activity| Student’s Activity| (Random Showing of Musical Flash Cards)For your activity we are going to play, play but just sitting on chair. I am going to show you flash cards and then tell me what note is it.Let us answer all together. But children remember, do not shout Are you ready children? What note is this.. Next.. Finally.. Very Good children! Thank you for your participation. | (Yes we are! )â€Å"E-F-G-A-B-C-D-E-F†| D. Evaluation Teacher’s Activity| Student’s Activity| For your quiz, get a piece of your paper and then number it from number one to 5. Ready class? Okay let us start. Answer these questions without cheating. I’ll only repeat it twice, so please listen carefully. 1. The Musical staff is consists of ________________ and ________________. 2. There are _____ lines in the staff. 3.There are _____ spaces in the staff. 4. What are the names in the spaces of the staff? 5. What are the names in the lines of the staff? All done? Pens Up! Please pass your papers in front. I’ll give the results tomorrow. And the highest will receive a small prize | (Students get papers) Answer:1. Lines and Spaces2. 5 / five3. 4/ four4. F-A-C-E5. E-G-B-D-F| E. Assignment Teacher’s Activity| Student’s Activity| For your assignment. Please read about Bass clef and Ledgers lines. That’s it for now. Hope you learn something today. God bless. | (Students take notes)Goodbye and Thank you, Ma’am. |

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Changing world of work and choice and opportunity structures affecting Essay

Changing world of work and choice and opportunity structures affecting careers. WORK, SOCIETY & ORGANIZATIONS - Essay Example 141). Writers point to medieval guild masters or even earlier nomadic tribal leaders as ancient prototypical managers, but from George’s definition one might be tempted to say that mothers comprised the first managers in human history. A â€Å"manager† is difficult to categorically define. George’s definition centers on managers as motivators, working to achieve goals through people. Managers are also organizers: Daniel A. Wren called management â€Å"the activity which performs certain functions in order to obtain the effective acquisition, allocation, and utilization of human efforts and physical resources in order to establish some goal† (Trent, 1973, p. 141). Militarism and Mechanization was formalized by Frederick the Great in the 17th century. He revolutionized warfare, and he is generally acknowledged as an early efficiency expert. He was credited with redirecting the structures and processes of waging war, and creating the elements of the machine o rganization as it applies to the military establishment. Elements of his management style included the institutionalization of authority by creating a system of ranks, establishing identity by uniforms, the standardization of regulations, task specialization among the troops, and the use of command language to reduce miscommunication and specialized training (MacDonogh, 2001). This management style is of course essentially still used to some extent in military and police organizations, although it is much tempered by contemporary HR practices in its treatment of people. Scientific Management Frederick Winslow Taylor, an engineer and self-styled consultant, conceptualized the link between corporate profitability, industrial productivity, and cost-efficiency. Under scientific management, productivity is increased and unit cost is reduced when workers become more task efficient. In turn, workers become more efficient if they are rewarded for higher volume productivity, and punished for low volume productivity. This management theory is also known as Taylorism. The principle of scientific management espouses the elimination of rule-of-thumb methods, and to instead use measurement techniques to determine the optimum methods that optimizes the use of time, effort, and resources. Jobs are broken down into sequential tasks, and each task is engineered for greater efficiency. Then the workers are trained in the new tasks using scientific methods. There is division of labor and responsibility among managers and workers, where management sets the goals and policies, and workers execute the tasks. Finally, discipline is maintained to coordinate task execution (Taylor, 2008). The world’s largest restaurant chain is an avowed follower of Taylorism. McDonald’s employs the scientific method in its corporate operations, where all tasks are worked out and standardized, and all employees worldwide are rigorously trained in this system. Tasks are broken down and num bered, so that the crews related to their customers according to a prepared script, and those who man the kitchen abide by a numbered set of procedures. Even the cooking machinery are specially designed to operate at pre-determined time settings. The result is a rigid quality level that ensures McDonald’s products are prepared and serve in exactly the same way the world over. Formal bureaucracy was conceived by Max Weber in the early 1900s. This was done in reaction to the prevailing management style then, where organisations were run according to the whims and

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Reciprocating Engines In-flight Fire Wildcountry Airways Ltd. De Assignment

Reciprocating Engines In-flight Fire Wildcountry Airways Ltd. De Havilland DHC-3 Otter C-FMEL 16 - Assignment Example The case under study was inclined towards a float-equipped DHC-3 (Otter). It had departed Ontario with six passengers and the pilot on board. At an approximate height of 2500 ft. above the sea level, the pilot managed to level the aircraft, hence configuring it for the cruise flight. Within a short period of time after such a level-off, he heard a form of popping sound and a notable loss of the engine power, while the whitish-grey smoke penetrated into the cabin (Sawyer, 1971). All the aircraft instruments showed normal engine operations. On the other hand, the fire warning unit failed to activate. The pilot thus assumed that the air-craft’s engine had been marred with a cylinder failure. The passenger who was seated in the front crew reported flames that were emerging from the right corner of the entire cockpit. The pilot hence tried to radio the Flight Service Station in order to seek for advice. Thick smoke bulged into the ultimate cabin thereby causing the respiratory distress and restricting visibility. The pilot then opened the left door so as to get a proper visual view and he luckily managed to land the aircraft while it was still on fire. It landed harder but lingered upright on floats. The passengers left through the main door with the life jackets on. The entire aircraft was hence consumed by the fire within almost immediately after landing. Being the last person to get out, the pilot suffered the second degree burns while the other passengers escaped with various injuries. This scenario hence called for an in-depth analysis and research of what might have ca used such a fire outbreak. All the findings were regarded to have been linked to the reciprocating engine. The reciprocating-engine powered transport aircraft offers essential public transport networks in most parts of the world. The only mishap as per the ATSB reports and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Union on the CBA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

The Union on the CBA - Research Paper Example The researcher states that the union has failed to explicitly state in the CBA the terms of how they would raise their premiums, given the anticipated appreciation of premium rates. The researcher states that the interpretation of the union on the CBA was reasonable, given that the CBA explicitly stated that the percentage increase on the premiums to be paid by the workers, effective January 1,200, would be on the stated amounts as based from the 1999 premiums for the TOP. In this case, it can reasonably be argued that the premiums to be paid by the workers would be based on 1999 premiums; however, it is also the union’s fault that they did not clarify on whether the rates presented on the CBA were merely illustrative, or were the actual rates. In this case, The researcher states that the company also had the moral responsibility to explicitly state the terms of the CBA provision, so that there would be no confusion on its interpretation. On this specific case, it can clearly be seen that the premium payment figures stated in the CBA may be reasonably understood to be based on 1999 premiums, effective on the stated date. Because the company actually failed to explicitly state that the figures indicated in the company were merely illustrative, despite their previous practice of how premium rates would be computed, this only created much confusion between them and the union, which may lead to significant disruption of normal business operations.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Why is prison overcrowding a growing concern in the US Research Paper

Why is prison overcrowding a growing concern in the US - Research Paper Example The challenge is costing tax payers more money, in US, there are many people behind bars than any other country in the world. According to current statistics by Wagner and Sakala (2014), it is estimated that between 1.4 million to 2 million people in US are in prison. The numbers of people released in jails inclusive of local jails are approximately 688,000. Collection of all information provides a clear perspective of number of prisoners in United States. According to the authors, the U.S. hold 2.4 million people in all states prisons including 1719 states prisons, 2259 juvenile correctional centers, 79 Indian jails, 102 federal confinements, military, immigration and civil confinements. Crowding of correctional facilities is quite significant to prisoners, tax payers and the officials working in confinement centers. An analysis of the topic is important, measures taken to correct problems arising from crowding or overcrowding of state prison can only be done by a study of the topic. This makes it quite significant to every citizen in US. They provide views on how to tackle such difficulties. The crowding effect in US correctional facilities started in early the 1980s due to an increase in criminal activities such as drug use. The war on drugs with tough policies increased the number of inmates in the U.S. Research shows that the U.S. has the highest number of inmates in the world; they are currently higher than prisoners held in Russian and South Africa. Prisons in the southern part of the United States have more inmates that any other region. The state of Alabama contains the highest number of prisoners than any other state. Despite the highest number of prisoners held in Alabama, they also have small number of staff. However, federal prisons in the U.S. saw a decline in the number of admission of prisoners in 2009. There was an increase of prisoners by 430%, which saw the number of prisoners rising from 294,000 to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Communism in the USSR Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Communism in the USSR - Research Paper Example Communism is a way of a government that is totalitarian in nature, which rulers are dictators and have no respect for their subjects. In the USSR, communism started off in the 19th century due to the harsh conditions of life that were witnessed during that period, which made people agitate for a technique that would restore equality in the society. The concept of communism is founded on the ideology of Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx from their numerous scholarly ideas that were widespread at this time. These ideas were embraced by people in the Soviet Union society in a bid to regain equality in a society that was experiencing numerous hardships present during the tsarist rule. It was believed that communism was the solution to the problems society was experiencing and thus it would create a new society with social and political equality of every individual (Courteous and Kramer, 2004). Communism is centered on the principle that people need one another in order for the society to achieve meaningful progress both socially and economically. The idea is based on the belief that, a society where people work equally, is bound to achieve greater success as opposed to a society where people are grouped according to social classes. However, despite there being equality among people, the social distinction that results from some people having more wealth than others arises because individuals leverage from their talents. In a communist society, the government is not supposed to interfere with the rights of persons and its influence on the general economy of the state should be limited. Moreover, in communism societies, governments collectively own property and no person is supposed to start any enterprise because governments run business monopolies in all sectors of the economy. Therefore, the state provides basic amenities to its people including decent education and heal th care services.

Business Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Business Marketing - Essay Example Moreover, if a customer is not happy with the complimentary services provided by Apple, he may get hold of Apple Protection Plan which is to be purchased. Apple claims that the protection plan gives one stop service and support from Apple experts. Solutions to your queries are just a call away. The plan gives both the hardware and software support (Apple-Support-AppleCare, 2011). Here is what Apple says about its service plan: Apart from one stop technical service, hardware and software support is also included. The hardware support includes coverage of iPhone, battery, earphones and accessories. Regarding battery coverage, service is available for battery depletion of 50% or more from original specification (Apple-Support-AppleCare, 2011). There is an app store of Apple which has hundreds of thousands of software on its store. It is the world’s largest mobile applications store. Some of them are free, and some are to be purchased. There are amazing applications related to games, lifestyle, social networking, and education. You can browse your choice of application and start playing with it right away after downloading it. App store also let you update your current applications in your iPhone by just a single tap (Apple-iPhone-Learn about apps available on the App Store, 2011). Buys (2009) writes in his article about Apple customer satisfaction. As per him, AppleCare provides excellent support service. It repairs phone, answer your queries and replace the damaged parts. If you want to inquire about importing a movie into iMovie, AppleCare will be of great help in this regard. With a single phone and lots of applications in it, you can do simultaneous works at a time; write a book, take photos, make movies. This is why Apple has been a great success (Buys, 2009). However, John (2009) comments on the above article that Apple has a terrible service. His experience for replacing broken products was bad; he said it took him months to have it

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Health Care for All Americans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Health Care for All Americans - Essay Example With this respect, this paper will critically expound on the basic reasons as to why health care should be to all Americans. Across America, there are many people from one side struggling to make both ends meet and on the other coping with a broken health care system. In addition, there are those who live completely without health care, others are striving to pay the hiking costs of Medicare, and more of them are joining the ranks of those uninsured. Agreeably, this is a shocking and terrible situation for super power like America! This growing health care crisis is not just a problem that should worry only the affected, but also places an endangering burden to the rest of the Americans as well. Furthermore, due to economic issues, small businesses are finding it difficult to insure their employees due to competitive and skyrocketing cost of insurance premiums. Most worrisome, much of the funds spend on health care services disappears through inefficiency and massive waste. Even Unit ed States tops the globe in health care expenditures (Collins 15). The administrative costs swallow 1 dollar out of every 4 dollars set aside for health care needs. That is not all, medical errors result to loss of lives of 100,000 Americans every year. With that follows a $100 billion dollar loss via drug prescription errors alone. Causes of Health Care Disparities in America Factors leading to health care disparities in the US vary and at the same time interrelate. Different groups have different underlying rates of illness due to environmental factors, generic predisposition, or lifestyle choices. They express different types of care-seeking behavior due to cultural beliefs, trust in the health care providers, and linguistic barriers (Herbage and Devanport 8). The ability of an individual to pay as well as his location and management of health care services influences all these factors. Race and ethnicity are significant factors determining whether an individual stands to receive care, whether an individual receives quality care, and assesses health care outcomes. Even after adjusting insurance income and status, racial and ethnic minorities tend to have limited access to heath care and receive lower quality of health care compared to non-minorities. Not surprisingly, the Americans’ top two concerns of healthcare are its increased costs and lack of access. Cognitively, today the cost of health care insurance is high and increasingly unaffordable even to working families. Documented evidence reveals that 6.2 percent of all US bankruptcies in 2007 related to medical expenses (Halvorson 7-8). People with medical insurance covers filed 78 percent of these bankruptcies whereas low-income uninsured majorities filled 38.3 percent of the same bankruptcies. In 2008, uninsured Americans were 46.3, a report released by the US Census Bureau. This figure represents 16.2 percent of the US economy, depicts that health care is the largest industry in the US, and emp loys more than 14 million people. Additionally, this impeding problem stretch to show that racial and ethnic disparities in health care persists even when comparing groups of similar socioeconomic status (Barr 87). For example, the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Specific problemsolving process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Specific problemsolving process - Essay Example To fail to plan is to plan to fail. As teacher, I have resources, associations and institutions to acquire the best syllabus and information. I have the contacts, connections, qualification, experience, creativity, and libraries memberships for reference and guidance. However, all these are of no use if I do not plan on their use in the course of my daily activities. My options do not exhaust with my professional resources. They extend to my personal dimension also. I have to constantly work and rework my mission goals, responsibilities, priorities, skills and abilities. I have to seek better results by my students, acquire skills and techniques to improve my communication skills, achieve promotions, keep track of my position in healthy competition, and above all fulfill my familial responsibilities. It is bound to provide me the necessary inputs and momentum to reach the top position in the institution where I work or in another similar institution. It will earn me more respect, improve my social and professional status and my earning capacity and perk, provide me more means to solve rudimentary as well as complex problems, and last but not the least, it will make me a better human being. Specific problem-solving process is an important tool for self-satisfaction and clients' satisfaction.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Rethinking Marketing Essay Example for Free

Rethinking Marketing Essay Companies today have technology that enables them to interact directly with customers. Firms must make use of this technology to focus on customer needs and develop into customer-oriented companies rather than product oriented ones. In order to facilitate this change a change in the company’s strategies as well as structure becomes necessary. This change includes reinventing the organizations marketing department entirely. One such change in strategy involves customer cultivation. Companies must move from being traditional companies to customer cultivating companies. A customer cultivating company is one that focuses on individual or small groups of customers as opposed to a traditional company that focuses on the mass. Many firms today are trying to make this strategy work. For example IBM, Tesco and American express. Next we come to change in structure, which involves reorganizing the marketing department. * Firstly CMOs must be replaced by CCOs (chief customer officer). The CCO’s job is to plan and implement the firms customer relationship strategy and supervise all customer-facing functions. * Secondly under the CCO will work the customer managers who identify the customer’s needs and direct brand mangers to fulfill those needs. * Customer- facing functions: some functions such as the customer relationship management that forms a part of the IT department must be made a part of the customer department. CRM (a tool for gauging customer needs and behavior) contains the data needed to implement customer cultivation strategy and hence essentially forms a part of the customer department. * Market research: market research changes to become more customer focused as well. * Research and Development: marketing and RD must be integrated so that the customer itself can be brought into the process of designing products. * Customer service: the customer department must handle this service to ensure both quality and building long-term relationships with customers. With change in strategy there comes a need to change the measures that gauge the effectiveness of the strategy as well. These changes in measures are as follows: * Product profitability to customer profitability * Current sales to customer lifetime value * Brand equity to customer equity * And lastly market share to customer equity share. All in all the article considers reinventing the strategies and structure of companies to make them focus on building lasting customer relations rather that building brands.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Product Placement On Tv Marketing Essay

Product Placement On Tv Marketing Essay Product placement is a promotional tactic used by business to advertise there products. Business pay a fee or provide there services in exchange for there products to be displayed/featured into content such as movies and TV shows. The use of product placement has both a negative (con) and positive (pro) impact on consumers. For example, the cons regarding the issue include that product placement invade the content space, builds expectation on what product individuals should buy, removes creativity from the program and adds more editorial review, effects consumer choice and sheds false light on products. However, in the majority of cases product placement can have a beneficial effect on consumers. Product placement pays for content, provides more realism to the movie (instead of a plain label, it says coke), eliminates the need for commercials and introduces new products in an entertaining way. Ethical code of product placement is a very complicated topic. A lot of elder people consider product placement to be not ethical and unfair, because the product is not advertised directly and the audience is not notifies about the fact of advertising. The issue of Product placement could have been introduced because of the worlds evolving technology. Advances in technology (remote controls, DVDS and TiVO) have made it increasingly easier for consumers to avoid traditional advertising messages. On TiVO you can fast-forward past commercials, and the use of the remote controls has allowed viewers the ability to change the channel at the sight of a commercial. This would ultimately mean that the use of this advertising medium would be unnecessary, and promotion wise would not benefit the business. As a result, brands would have had to find an alternative way to attract consumer attention. Additionally, the issue of product placement could have also been introduced because it can be seen that what the media tells us is what is popular, and products which are being promoted by celebrities are more likely to become popular. Therefore, businesses utilize this idea and each appearance of a leading brand reaffirms a products star-status an d helps maintain its leadership image. Furthermore, some examples of the success of product placement include: There are numerous solutions to the issue of product placement on TV. If consumers find product placement discouraging to children especially when junk food is being promoted-businesses could encourage young people and their families to eat healthier foods and be more active in order to support their well-being. This strategy will earn the respect of customers, as well as benefiting the business financially. Additionally, companies should not direct advertising at children but encourage healthier dietary choices, and that while this is a step in the right direction, consumers need to manage what there children are watching. Businesses can not be accounted for what parents allow there children to watch. Another solution, because product promotion is a debatable subject, is to let consumers find it difficult to disagree or agree on whether they want to watch product promotion. Different consumers have different views on product promotion and in-order to have a favorable result on both a business and consumer level, they must communicate. A step in the right direction would be stating whether the program contains product promotion (in print). Then, Consumers can decide whether they wish to watch the program. Furthermore, Product promotion is not necessarily a big issue and most consumers enjoy the realism that the products add to the movie. The only real issue is when smoking, alcohol, drugs and unhealthy food are glamorized and made to look acceptable. This type of promotion should be banned. It may not prove favorable for the business, but once consumers recognize that the company respects there health and wellbeing, they will trust businesses and ultimately the business will benefit. Furthermore, business should only advertise what is Good. placement will be allowed in films, drama, sports and light entertainment programming, but will still be monitored, and restricted for certain types of programming, such as childrens shows, and public service television. The issue I have chosen is unhealthy food sold and directed to children. Junk food advertising is a kind of product marketing which works by bombarding children with ads for drinks and foods of dubious nutritional value, full of sugar and fat. Products may be marketed to kids through promotions (e.g. Celebrity endorsements and the use of cartoon characters), price (Cheaper prices to make them more appealing to young people), place (school canteens and vending machines and incorporating packaging which is appealing to young people. This type of marketing has a negative effect on children, as Food advertising directly influences childrens choices and increases their requests of unhealthy foods. Additionally unhealthy food sold and directed to children impacts on the quality of childrens diets and can ultimately affect their weight. Furthermore, once food advertising has influenced the choices of children, health issues such as obesity, heart attacks and cholesterol may result. However, Food advertising is a necessary revenue stream without ad revenues from food companies, TV channels couldnt afford to make kids programming. This would have a negative effect on consumers (kids would suffer). There are numerous reasons why unhealthy food sold and directed to children has become such a serious issue in todays growing society. The main reason why unhealthy food sold and directed to children has become an issue is due to Money. The snack food industry in market-driven societies such as Australia generates billions of dollars in revenue each year. The market for processed snack foods is enormous, and a number of large corporations compete rigorously to capture larger shares of the snack food industry. This type of competition would mean that there would be a greater proportion of business competing thus the amount of food being advertised would would reach peaks causing an even bigger issue. Furthermore, the different advertising medians have developed over the past years; children were only commonly exposed to promotion of unhealthy foods only through television advertising. However, now children are exposed to Promotions including premium offers, celebrity endorsements, the use of cartoon characters, health and nutrient claims, product placements Sponsoring TV programs, sporting events, fundraisers and establishing or donating money to charity. Additionally, the kids whose parents who do not monitor and encourage their kids to eat healthy foods are more susceptible to these types of advertisements, and these children grow up to like the taste of the additives, and preservatives and ultimately influence there purchases as future adult customers. Solutions to unhealthy food sold and directed to children. Children and young people are particularly susceptible to the power of brands and advertising. Selling and Advertising unhealthy food is socially damaging and has a negative influence on our well-being. If business can advocate healthy eating, and can promote protecting the well-being of children and young people then consumers can feel more reliant on trusting businesses, likewise this strategy can be seen as a marketing campaign, and a way of promoting the business. This will have favorable results both ways. The amount junk food advertising should be limited. While an advertising ban alone will not eliminate the problem of obesity its a sensible first step that has the support of health experts, including doctors, community groups and, most importantly, parents. Furthermore, if business whish to continue advertising, then instead of offering toys when purchasing a meal, they could offer a choice of yogurt, fruit cup etc. In conclusion, parents should teach kids to discern what is marketing and what isnt, Limit the hours kids spend watching TV, and encourage their kids to eat healthy foods. If kids are taught in there early stages of life then they will not purchase junk food in the first place. Education is the key. If the media has proven to migrate decisions about health to children and adolescents, then business can use this to there advantage. Business can promote contributing to some of the negative affects which impact children and adolescents. You dont really come to this realization until your own children are in school. One step at a time, wake county schools in the elementary grades has removed soda and junk food machines and offers at least one piece of fruit on their lunch menu. Only teachers lounges have those machines in some schools, not that it is much better because they should be an example to the students.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Cultural Capital Defined Cultural Studies Essay

The Cultural Capital Defined Cultural Studies Essay The chapter provides a theoretical understanding of cultural capital from the perspective of cultural capital from the perspective of sports consumption. Scholarly journals are reviewed to give readers an understanding of the contribution of cultural capital made in the area of sports. The chapter commences with broad issues concerning the topic and narrowed to focus on the study in Ghana. 2.1 Cultural capital defined Cultural capital surfaced in academic work approximately 25 years ago in the work of Bourdieu and Gouldner, and after that references were made in other fields as evolutionary biology (Cohen, cited in Ahbeysekera et. Al, 2004) a literary criticism (Guillory, 1993). Bourdieu from one angle sees capital as power, in this case the power stems from a communal or structural point which accumulates power for a person to gain an economic advantage in the short or long term (Bourdieu, 1990). From another angle and with reference to linguistic and cultural capital, Bourdieu advances a case that parent of the middle class use cultural capital to propagate and advance their economic fortunes (Bourdieu, 1984). Several studies have attributed cultural capital as being embedded in family background and education and have made connections between value based power and having various types of cultural capital (Gayo-Cal, Savage, and Warde, 2006; Warde, 2006; Warde, Martens, and Olsen. 1999). Bourdieu 1997 identifies the three form of cultural capital as Embodied, Objectified and Institutional cultural capital. Embodied cultural capital is explained as the permanent nature of the mind and body (Bourdieu, 1997). Objectified cultural capital is better explained through its operation. Examples are the interpretation of say, paintings or the ability to play instruments. As Bourdieu point s out one can fully appreciate objectified cultural capital except they can afford its consumption (Bourdieu, 1997; Silva, 2006). This explanation in a way demonstrates how objectified cultural capital is learnt or passed on over time, according to Sullivan, 2001 families with well-resourced cultural capital pass on through a mechanism of hands on tutoring through their free time by attending art exhibitions, theaters, highlighting form the need for education and mannerism. Institutional cultural capital according to Bourdieu is the official and systemized recognition accorded both embodied a nd objectified forms of cultural capital. Through this system the tangible value of the capital is scaled and its extrinsic value made legitimate (Bourdieu, 1997). According to Bourdieu 1984 education through formal means is one of the key sources of cultural capital as teaches learners the intangible values associated with cultural knowledge. The nature of institutional cultural capital in supporting symbolic value shapes and improves society. This form of cultural capital and the social structure it provides makes for a personally advantaged position (Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1992). In looking at the relationship between cultural capital and social status and also showing the essence of rare highbrow cultural capital to social status, a study conducted indicated that high class socio-economic groups had access and could to relate to an array of cultural capital forms compared to the lower groups (Peterson and Kern, 1996). 2.2 Capital and symbolic power According to Bourdieu 1990 power is imagined as symbolic power created through discretionary values associated with various types of economic, social and cultural capital that people own. One of the crucial points that have come out strongly is the link of cultural capital to symbolic power and how this creates distinction; allowing higher social status in society through symbolic capital. According to Bourdieu 1997 symbolic capital creates benefits through tangible properties, such as material acquisitions, which further puts those who own it at an advantage. This claim for higher power is emphasized and legitimized through symbolic capital (Swartz, 1997). As symbolic systems are established within society these structures shape and inform our habitus and consequently create permanent characters learnt over a period that inform the way people think of the social environment and the way people function in it (Bourdieu, 1990; Swartz, 1997; Edwards, 2009). 2.3 Cultural Consumption of Sports Sporting preferences are made on social and cultural reproduction and class lines along the same directions as the preference for music and the arts (Bourdieu 1978; 1984). He mentioned that various sports are pecked differently in the social and cultural hierarchy. Wilson 2002 states that according to Bourdieu (1978; 1984) each sport requires the suitable taste and preference and a peculiar sets of skills and knowledge to partake which he calls cultural capital. Separation among people is created through taste consumption and acts a means of social distinction among people. A group through its taste and preferences can align or disassociate itself from society and can be used to create some status for the niche separating it from the mass appeal taste of the rest of the group. Holt (1998) argues that the things that are valued in domains as the arts and theater attendance are mystified in rituals of taste and consumption. In the quest to improve ones standing in society and better the lifes of their descendants theres is a perpetual pursuit of improving ones social standing in a progressive manner so as to restore the stratified position. DiMaggio and Useem 1978 summed this up by saying accumulated cultural capital improves opportunities in life by turning this capital advantage into social and economic progress in future. The hierarchies within society are crucial in understanding the kind of people that attend high cultural activities (DiM aggio and Useem, 1978; Matty, 2004; Tampubolon, 2007). It has been identified in a couple of research studies that sport is less developed when compared to other consumption fields. Indeed, it was noted by Warde 2006 that Bourdieu acknowledges the essence of sports and body maintenance in the storage and exhibition of cultural capital. Bourdieu also noted that ones sporting appeal is complimentary to their lifestyle and serves as a distinction from others (Warde, 2006). In his study- cultural capital and the place of sports, Warde 2006 revealed that the high class society had taste for rare sports, not only that but Wilson 2002 in his study- paradox of social class and sports involvement, reinforces Bourdieus framework that those with highly accumulated wealth tend to participate in sports largely but also more inclined to dissociate themselves from circular sports. The type of sports chosen by people to participate in cannot entirely be dependent on the cultural resource factors, as noted by Warde 2006 in his English study, gender, age, ethnicity contributed to the pattern of sports participation. Also, there have been overwhelming support provided in literature that beyond cultural capital ones socio-economic position, education, gender influenced their choice of sporting activity (Sturgis and Jackson, 2003; Gayo-Cal, 2006). 2.4 Patterns of Cultural Capital A survey (2003-2004) conducted by the centre for research into socio-economic change (CRESC) UK to examine nature of cultural capital in the UK and the degree to which cultural capital can aggregate or disaggregate social groups. The survey used 1564 respondents and the results revealed a clear distinction taste, cognition and participation in across gender, education and class across cultural fields among others music, visual arts, dining out (Gayo-Cal et al., 2006; Gayo-Cal, Warde, and Tampubolon, 2005). The groups that had higher education and those within higher social class were highly involved in cultural activity than their lower level counterparts respectively in the area of education and social class. There were indication from the preliminary results that education and the hierarchy of occupation was passed onto generations such that parents with high education ensure that their children get equal or if not better opportunities to ensure better opportunities and rewarding j obs (Gayo-Cal et al., 2006). Along work lines, Bennett et al. 2011 established that employers, managers and professionals are well informed on cultural artifacts in its widest form by lower class with a higher degree of cultural education whether formal or informal. This point was reinforced by Erickson 1996 that managers tend to be more informed on relatively more cultural domains due to their professional function to interact with more people. There is suggestion that occupations embrace professionals with compatible cultural capital merit as the professional are able to appreciate and comprehend occupation standards (Sommerland, 2007) and the amount of cultural capital held can be important (Peterson and Kern, 1996). 2.5 Cultural Capital and Sports It is often usual to see some kind of sports activity in societies irrespective of the part of the world and this can be attributed to wanting to associate with a group. According to Etizen and Sage 2003 sports is counted as part of the few human activities that can bond a community in any part of the world. Weiss 2001 concedes that few people participate in sports for wellbeing but for the majority it is as a result of the quest to align and identify with others and also reinforce their personalities. Consequently sports can be engaged so as to establish ones cultural identity (Stodolska and Alexandris, 2004). Contrary to the above sports can be used as a catalyst for exclusion and propagate selectivity among groups and people. Culturally popular sports are recognized and given more attention giving them more social capital and power (Light and Kirk 2001). For instance social groups including families reproduce social advantages through private school attendance which is recognized for its exclusivity (Light and Kirk, 2001). The absence of partaking in any sports activity is tantamount to societal isolation and this result in anti-social tendencies that pave the way on cutting ones chances of socialization, education and professional ascension (Majumdar, 2003). Cricket in India is a good example of such marked exclusion. Corporate sponsors have branded the game as elitist and the sole preserve of the educated and affluent sine post-independence (Majumdar, 2003). Corporate Institutions have clear policies for player recruitment and they attach a great deal of importance to education; this also is a criteria in terms of their reward system as the level of ones education affects how much salary one receives. There is monopoly through high fees from cricket clubs preventing the less privileged to have access to the sports (Majumbar, 2003). It is paramount to appreciate what leads to the association of particular groups of people with certain sports activities and its function in the reproduction of socio-eco nomic differences in a society (Washington and Karen, 2001). Ii is the duty of incumbent spots managers to ascertain the relationship between sports participation and socio-cultural capital in order to phantom how to equalize this inequality and give the less privileged adequate representation if desired. Globalization has marginalized traditional cultures and ethnic social systems and promoting identical societies (Hochschild, 2006). Despite this global approach of uniformity and the expression of western views sports can also promote the minority groups by playing a role in maintaining foreign identities and keeping dominant national ties (Giossos, 2008; Lee, 2006). International sporting activities like the Olympics, Commonwealth games and FIFA worldcup are avenues for fans and participants to establish and exhibit their cultural affiliation (Yoh, Yang and Gordon, 2008). 2.6 Sports fans and consumption A fan is passionate and committed of a particular sports consumptive object (Hunt, Bristol and Bashaw, 1999). In this regard a fan is a consumer of an organize sport. The term committed shows the level of attachment fans associate with the sports. Fans are also driven to act for the sport. A sport consumption object can be the sport, team or even the organized leaque or personalities like players, coaches/ managers, commentators who are strongly associated with a sport. Several fans exist as they differ in their behavior and motivation (Hunt, Bristol and Bashaw, 1999). Current concepts have focused on team performance as the main driver of fan behavior (Cialdidni et al., 1976; Grove et al., 1991; Mann, 1974; Wann and Dolan, 1994). Our appreciation sports fan is limited and fan motivation and its consequent behavior extend teams and certain situations have no connection to team performance (Fisher and Wakefield, 1998). In addition, most studies have concentrated on ticket sales and game attendance as the ultimate goal in the exchange between sports marketers and fans. Beyond this, sports marketing involve corporate sponsorship, sports prafenelia, sovenirs, stadia branding, sports publications and others (Bandyopadhyaya and Bottone, 1997). Thus the need to shift research study into other areas to fill the gaps identified in fan behavior and consumption. 2.7 Sports consumption- fandom and cults in sports Fan is the short version of fanatic and entreats religion in sporting contest and competitions (Borland and Macdonald, 2003). Fandom is part of the system of sports instituted so that people can be part of the game without partaking (Branscombe et al., 1991). The concept inspires social advantages as togetherness, belongingness and fraternity but also self-esteem (Zillman et al., 1993). Fans get ecstatic by the mere fact that they are fans (Kimble and Cooper, 1992). This passion and energy which is transformed into the mood of the fans is determined by the sport they are supporting and the outcome of a game lingers onto other unrelated activities immediately after (Hirt et al., 1992). He also defines fandom as an association to a sport/ team with great deal of emotional importance and treasure from this membership (Hirt et al., 1992). A follower of sport does not translate to mean they are fans (Funk and James, 2001). Further distinction is provided on what constitutes a follower and a fan of sports, followers witness a game without much attachment but fans are passionate in supports and transcends beyond watching a game, they are committed on a daily basis (Jones, 1997). Several distinctions have been made between who a follower of a sport is compared to a fan and this borders on the degree of emotional attachment and level of commitment offered by the supporter (Anderson, 1979; Hunt et al., 1999; Stewart and Smith, 1997; Tapp and Clowes, 2002; Pimentel and Reynolds, 2004). According to Wann and Pierce (2003) the accuracy of measurement of the level of identification/commitment is essential to sports psychologists and marketers due to the fact that the degrees of response of sports fans are usually a function of their commitment and level of association with the sport. Sports consumption creates fandom as seen above and this has the tendencies of creating cults in sports. As witnessed earlier in the section being a part of like-minded people is rewarding and one of the key ingredients of cult and cult brands is that they maintain the distinction that keeps their members together (Atkins, 2004) and therefore alienate others by this same argument. On the surface it may seem that cult is non-existent in the domain of sports as this is usually associated to religion. It has been argued that sports is competitive, versatile and a personal activity contrary to religion which is grounded on a communal system and is non-competitive in nature (Prebish, 1993). A sport is likened to religion and because it is rooted in a natural cause (Novak, 1995). Further, Brody (1979) that the joint nature of supporters of organized sports is partly religious in nature. The important point is how groupings are created and the resulting in exclusion of others. According to Percy and Taylor (1991) followers of teams maintain rituals of essential symbolic artifacts as apparels, food and type of allies they choose which are sacred in the ritual of sports. 2.8 Sports Affiliation Membership of a group is driven by the aspiration to keep a distinction from other social groups (Madrigal, 2002). An aspect of membership identification and affiliation is the act of rites such as gathering souvenirs, match attendance and considering the sport as part of ones identity. There is strength and a sense of identity in associating with a group. There is difficulty in creating self-images in the absence of group association (Tajfel, 1982). Closer ties with a group allow individuals to borrow the positive traits of a group for oneself and take on more commonality with others within the group (Fisher and Wakefield, 1998; Tajfel and Turner, 1986). Cultural capital is gained by sports fans through the adoption of labels (Richardson, 2004) from the group- the appreciation of how to consume in the socially sanctioned manner. 2.9 History of Ghana Sports The subject of cultural capital and Ghana sports can be located in the countrys sporting history and particularly football and the love the people of Ghana have for the game. Ghana has a rich football heritage with a great deal of chronicled successes, includes memorable milestones as producing Arthur Wharton, the first black professional footballer in the English game (Ghanaian Times. 2011: 29); Ghana won the African Cup of Nations football tournament four times. Football clubs like Accra Hearts of Oak have chalked over 100 years with enviable local and continental record: Hearts won the first ever football league in Ghana, an unprecedented six consecutive occasions, an unbeaten season and three continental- Confederations of Africa (CAF) trophies (Daily Graphic, 2012:31). Football is a competitive sport in Ghana attracting huge following and its nature of consumption is diverse. Football has produced fan groups along ethnic and regional lines in the country and families have a gene ration of loyalty to particular clubs. Above all, sports in Ghana tend to follow Bourdieus idea of distinction in consumption by virtue of ones cultural capital and appreciation of a sport. Golf, has only received some attention in the country in recent years due to the enormous attraction it receives from corporate institutions. Golf is second to football as far as private sector sponsorship funds is concerned (Anonymous, 2007). The overarching institution in charge of sports in the country is the National sports and came to effect through a presidential declaration. The National sports council is in place to improve, promulgate, and manage sports in the country with aim of fostering nationalism and professionalism that drives consistent wealth creation and infrastructural improvement (Anonymous, 2007). It is interesting to note that a similar institution the Gold Coast Amateur Sports Council existent in the Gold Coast, then Ghana established under the enactment of Ordinance 14, 1952 (

Monday, August 19, 2019

Unusual People :: essays research papers

The most unusual person I know My boyfriend is a very interesting character. Caring, considerate, funny and crazy are just s few word I could use to describe my boyfriend. Each day is exciting and interesting when it is spent with him. My boyfriend Brent, is by far the most unusual person I know. Brent is very playful. He often reminds me of a little kid. I think the most attractive aspect of him is his ability to laugh and have fun. Brent does not let me tease him without getting back at me, and most of the time it is twice the payback. Sometimes If I am in the bathroom getting ready for the day and he is in the shower, he will toss handfuls of water out at me. I act like it bothers me but in actuality I think it is wonderful. He also thinks that he is a pro wrestler and I am his opponent. I never win of course, but it is fun trying. Brent also knows that I am very jumpy and I can be scared easily. Because he has this information he often hides behind the corner only to jump out and scare me when I walk by, it works every time. Although he is mostly playful, He is still quit the charmer. Brent is very sensitive and makes me feel wonderful. I never feel like I am pushed a side and he makes sure that I always feel special. He has a way of bringing out the best in me. He will clean the house while I am at class, change the channel to Animal Planet (because it is my favorite), ask if I need something when he goes to the kitchen, and makes sure I am always happy. He has a very light temper and never looses his cool with me. He likes to talk things out and he is very considerate about my feelings. Brent still does not forget about his manly side . He has the common need to lose himself for hours at a time playing football and hockey on the Nintendo. He reads sports illustrated, needs to watch ESPN and play fantasy football on the Internet. I do not understand why these things are so important. But, I think that is why there is a common saying that goes," Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus". He enjoys the outdoors and yet he can just sit and relax for a day in the house.

Personal Narrative - One of My Most Coveted Achievements :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay

One of My Most Coveted Achievements    Dr. Ross’ Comments: This essay is a very good example of a personal experience shared by the writer. She clearly describes an important episode in her life and vividly reveals a part of her true â€Å"self† to her audience.    What began in my life as yet another effort in weight loss became one of my most coveted achievements. After the birth of our third child, and too many pounds that were not disappearing, we purchased a small above ground pool. While the kids splashed, I began my aquatic exercise program. Within a short time, I yearned to swim laps in a larger pool, and soon we were swimming at Southeastern Louisiana University’s near Olympic size facility. Setting my sights on becoming a long distance swimmer, I had indeed begun to lose weight as my fitness improved. I discovered a real satisfaction from swimming. As I learned to improve my stroke and lung capacity, I savored the quiet world that I was immersed in during my workouts. It became my special time to allow my thoughts to glide as effortlessly as my body did while my distance increased to an uninterrupted mile. I truly loved the permanent smell of chlorine on my skin. I was a swimmer. The coach of the adult swim team invited me to join, and I was delighted to be considered an athlete of any kind. Morning workouts with the team were now interspersed with my evenings at the pool with my children, as I prepared to enter the world of competition. Shortly before one meet, our coach had recruited several twenty year old, physically fit men to join our team. Having now competed a few times, I was no longer a novice, but still not a veteran. I fully expected this to be like most of my team practices, faster than the slowest, but not able to keep up with the more skillful swimmers. The pool was unusually empty for the day before a competition as some chose that time to rest and restore in order to be in peak condition for the event. I only recall the coach, these new swimmers and myself in the water. As the coach called out the directions for each lap, his voice bounced off the walls that shimmered with the under water lights that seemed to move as the water ripples above.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

America Needs More Immigrants :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

After political security, there is nothing that the Republic needs so much as bone and sinew, for the development of its vast resources . . . we want flesh and blood, men, women, and children, to assist in fulfilling that intention. —Editorial from the Commercial and Financial Chronicle, published in August 12, 1865—as the re-United States reels back from the divisiveness of the Civil War (Abbott 156) When my ancestors came to the U.S. in the 1800s to help build the transcontinental railroad (enabling intracontinental commerce on an unprecedented scale), it was very true that immigrants contributed to America’s economic prosperity. Does this remain true today? Today is a very different time than the aftermath of the Civil War. Or is it? Now, the U.S. is also reeling back from wars, albeit of very different sorts: the Cold War and the latest series of riots in the cities. The U.S. is turning inwards, wanting to rebuild its infrastructure and inner cities. Pre-eminence in various scientific areas and the education of its citizens, who are, by world standards, lagging educationally, are again prime national goals—much as they were following the Civil War. Skills and labor are needed. Although not as powerfully delineated as in a North-South segregation, the American population is still bitterly divided over many issues—one of which is immigration. Would immigration aggravate our problems, especially unemployment and social tension, or benefit us, as it did previous to and following the Civil War? Throughout the 1800s, conservative politicians were adamant that immigration would compromise political security; and native Californian miners, laborers, and farmers feared that the Chinese would drain America’s resources and take away jobs. The tragic results of such fears were the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, ending in the execution of two innocent Italian immigrants accused of espionage, and the massacres of Chinese miners in the western states. These early detractors of immigration were proven wrong as America grew from a second-rate nation to the most powerful economy in the world. Today, as reflected in the headlines, calls for immigration restriction have renewed the national debate: Should current levels of immigration continue in the U.S.? â€Å"How many can America absorb?† is a constant refrain, reflected in poll after poll.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Movie Analysis of Hotel Rwanda

Hotel Rwanda, released in December of 2004, is based on the true story on the life of Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager of Hotel des Mille Collines, who saved the lives of 1,268 people in the face of genocide. This movie is based on the true events of the Rwandan Genocide in 1994 that occurred in Kigali, the capital and largest city of Rwanda in Africa. It touches upon when the Hutu extremists of Rwanda initiated an act of genocide on thousands of the minority group, Tutsis. This movie was directed/written by Terry George and Keir Pearson.Major cast include Don Cheadle (Paul Rusesabagina), Sophie Okonedo (Tatiana), Joaquin Phoenix (Jack), and Nick Nolte (Colonel Oliver of the UN). Other cast members include Fana Mokoena (General Bizimungu of Kigali Police), Hakeem Kae-Kazim (Georges Rutaganda, leader of Interhamwe militia), and Jean Reno (Mr. Tillens, President of Sabena Airlines in Belgium). The movie’s main location of filming was done in Kigali, Rwanda, and Johannesburg, S outh Africa. Tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi groups are what lead to the war, and eventual genocide, in Rwanda.Paul and his family witness killings in the neighborhood. Although his wife is Tutsi, and himself Hutu, Paul carries protection with people of influence, bribing them with money and alcohol, seeking to maintain sufficient influence to keep his family safe. When the war erupts and a Rwandan Army officer threatens Paul and his neighbors, Paul barely negotiates their safety, and is forced to the decision of bringing everyone to the hotel. More refugees come to the hotel from the overburdened United Nations camp, the Red Cross, and orphanages from all over the country.Paul must divert the Hutu soldiers, care for the refugees, be a source of strength to his family, and maintain the appearance of a functioning luxury hotel as the situation becomes more dangerous. The UN Peacekeeping forces, led by Canadian Colonel Oliver (Nolte), are unable to take assertive action against th e Interahamwe since they are forbidden to intervene in the genocide. The foreign nationals are evacuated, but the Rwandans are left behind. When the UN forces attempt to evacuate a group of refugees, including Paul's family, they are ambushed and must turn back.In a last-ditch effort to save the refugees, Paul pleads with the Rwandan Army General, Augustin Bizimungu (Mokoena) for assistance. However, when Paul's bribes no longer work, he blackmails the General with threats of being tried as a war criminal. Soon after, the family and the hotel refugees are finally able to leave the besieged hotel in a UN convoy. They travel through retreating masses of refugees and militia to reach safety behind Tutsi rebel lines. From the beginning, it is clearly displayed that there are more than two sides of the story, with various groups representing each side.The Tutsis are the ones accused in the killing of the Kigali president after his offer of an agreement of peace, and just want peace betwe en both parties. The Hutu are attempting to kill off any person that is Tutsis. They believe that the Tutsis killed the president because they want to keep the power that was left in their hands when the Belgium left Kigali. There is also the UN peacekeepers and other foreign armies (French, Italian etc†¦), referred in the movie as ‘the West’. One is trying to help the Rwandans stay alive, while the other is stay out of the issue.In the movie, Hutu extremist views’ are specified through the character of George Rutaganda. They reference the Tutsis as ‘cockroaches’, and how the Hutu must rise up and get rid of any Tutsis, along with any of the next generation. As said in the movie by Rutaganda, â€Å"Hutu, we must get rid of these cockroaches that are infecting our country†. Most of this encouragement comes from Georges Rutaganda, the leader of the Interhamwe militia, who speaks to the Hutu extremists through the radio, which is the only wa y you see the Hutu people communicate with one another throughout the whole film.Although communication is solely this, the mission of the Hutu is successfully showed. In contrast, while the mission is known, as mentioned before, all communication is through the radio, with no actual physical meetings. This was weird to me, sending the message that decisions were not made by the group as a whole, but rather militia taking orders from one leader (Rutaganda). Also it gave off the feeling of spontaneity, although the movie showed that many Hutu were angry since power was given to the Tutsis, and not only when the Kigali president was killed.On the other end, the Tutsis are constantly running searching for protection from the Hutu, trying not to be killed. Those on their side are Rusesabagina, Colonel Oliver, and Mr. Tillens, through their own actions, respectively. Multiple times throughout the film, it shows how the Tutsis cannot even stay in their own homes and once they cannot show identity cards stating their status as Hutu, they are beaten, homes burnt to the ground, and most roads to leave are blocked off. Rusesabagina obviously uses the hotel as a refugee camp, and Colonel Oliver fights through the whole movie to get the influence of the West to stop the enocide, for he cannot himself. Mr. Tillens does what he can to keep off the Hutu extremists away from the hotel by keeping contact with the French, who supply the Hutu armies. Before watching, the reviews portrayed Rusesabagina as ‘a clear hero for the Rwandans’. This was evident while seeing the movie. Obviously, Paul shelters thousands of Tutsi people in the hotel, doing everything he can to keep the Hutu away. In the first few scenes of the movie, this same determination is not seen. Paul makes it clear that he does everything only to protect his family.As he tells his wife when she tells him to call his people to help the neighbors being attacked, â€Å"I give the powerful guests of the hotel everything, so that in return, they will protect my family when troubling times come. They are our neighbors, not family. † As the attacks get worse, this mindset changes as a threat to kill a group of Tutsis in front of him is presented. Toward the beginning of the movie, after the attacks begin in Paul’s neighborhood, a large group of other Tutsis neighbors are hiding in the Rusesabagina home. Hutu armies come to kill all the ‘cockroaches’ in his home, including his wife and kids.At first, Paul offers bribes of money and alcohol to save only his family, but later offers almost triple the amount of money for the whole group, including expensive jewels. This is only one of the first scenes that Paul bribes armies to avoid the killing of those he is protecting. With the character of Rusesabagina, the filmmaker portrayed him as a humble man, with no inconstancies in any of his actions. This goes along with the purpose of the film, which was to show the actions of a hero, who saved thousands from genocide. The main antagonists of the film would be the Hutu.They could be considered villains not only for their hate for Tutsis, but for the ruthless killing of close to a million. The directors, did just enough in every scene to remind the ones watching that this group of people did not want anything to do with the Tutsis. Another antagonist in the film, in my opinion, was the foreign armies (Belgium, French and Italian). In the first attempt to remove the Tutsis from Kigali, it was believed that all these armies were coming to the aid of the people. When they actually arrived, it was then explained by Colonel Oliver, that they would only be helping evacuate the Americans and those from ‘the West’.This scene gives them the portrayal of a villain, because as Colonel Oliver says in a following scene to Paul, â€Å"You are considered dirt to them Paul, you are not even Black, you are an African†. This line was very comp elling for me because it showed a type of ranking between other races, as compared with the Africans, with all of them showing superiority over them. The same scene also showed how people who may see what was going on in Kigali would not take action, like the conversation between Paul and Jack. Jack has just filmed footage of a group of people being beaten and even chopped up with machetes.Paul says to him, â€Å"How could they not intervene, after seeing such brutality? † Jack doesn’t have the same faith, replying, â€Å"When people see this, they will say â€Å"Oh, how horrible† and go on eating dinner. † It was after these scenes that Paul realizes that believing he was one of them, and everything he has done (adapting to their ways, conforming to every need and want), was for nothing. After this scene, it is said many times, especially by Rusesabagina, that they were on their own, and everyone had abandoned them.If this were true, then they would not even have the UN peacekeepers, who were consistent allies. This was the only contradiction I found with the antagonists. If someone only watched the first few scenes of the movie, it could be misinterpreted that Paul had many influences aiding him through the end of the genocide (or in this case, the movie). His main allies in the movie were Colonel Oliver, Mr. Tillens in Belgium, and General Bizumungu. Of these allies, it was perceived that the General was only helping because he was constantly being bribed, and not out of kindness.With Colonel Oliver, he always came back to Paul once he knew of any opportunities to get the people out of Kigali. At first, I assumed that the UN was against the people of Kigali, because they were given orders to not attempt to stop the genocide, or in the words of Oliver, â€Å"We are peacekeepers, not peacemakers†. This is where the audience can think that everyone has abandoned them. This assumption was put away once the UN peacekeepers go t hrough multiple attempts, and are eventually successful; at getting everyone pass Tutsi rebel lines, even after the Hutu showed that they killed some of Oliver’s men.Mr. Tillens, the president of Sabena Airlines, was only present in a few parts, but his was visibly one of Paul’s most powerful influences and had a big impact on their survival. In another scene where the hotel is under attack by Hutu extremists, Paul is given ten minutes to come downstairs and provide a list of all the ‘cockroaches’ staying in the hotel. In this time, he sneaks away to call Tillens. As they are talking, this is when a vulnerable side of Rusesabagina is seen.When asked if there is anything that can be done, it is the first time that Paul mentions any doubt in surviving the genocide, but stating, â€Å"I do not know what you can do, because I am positive that it is too late, they have already arrived, and I am sure we are going to die. † When Tillens says to buy him tim e, that he will get in contact with the French, who supply the Hutu, Paul is doubtful of his words. As Paul is outside negotiating with the armies, who are threatening to kill everyone, they are given orders (in French, but are obvious) to back off and leave the hotel, along with everyone in it.With the General, he is always talking with Paul in the first part of the movie of just how much the Kigali police have got him protected, but this is while Paul is still able to send him off with the best cigars from Cuba and Africa’s finest scotch. In a scene when Paul asks the General for help, but has no bribe, he is quick to say, â€Å"No more police, no more protection†. Paul begs for his help, insisting that these are troubling times, and they all need to stick together. The General answers Paul with a stern, â€Å"How are you going to help me Paul? The General briefly helps once Paul threatened him with the idea that everyone believed he was a war criminal involved in t he massacres. This is why it was necessary to show all sides, because if they were not, it would be perceived in the movie that no one tried to help the Tutsis survive the genocide, and that they were truly on their own. Many reviews said that the movie did not properly exhibit the actual events of the Rwandan Genocide, but after watching the film, I have to disagree. While watching certain scenes, it really made the tears fall in remembering that the movie is not fictional.It made you feel as if you were there, and put your emotions into each scene, while hitting you with the harsh realization that the event actually occurred. There was an equal stability between showing tidbits of the genocide, but also of how a single man became a hero by saving thousands. Overall, it left the message of how this should have never happened and gave moments as to how it could have been avoided. As one reviewer says, â€Å"The Rwandan Genocide is one of the most horrific events of this time, and u nfortunately, the most unknown†, but this movie gives audience a respectable summary that shall leave us knowledgeable.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Art Critque †Mona Lisa Overdose Essay

Using the different elements of art, the artist organized the elements to provoke a feeling of puzzlement and surprise to the audience. The Mona Lisa, being a famous painting, was distorted in a way that it projects a different emotion from the original one. Lorenzana presented the distortion of the proportion and scale of the face of the Mona Lisa in order to evoke a feeling of unsettling disbelief with the visuals of the painting. The change of the Mona Lisa’s face caused a contrast to be present in the artwork. It emphasized the subject’s face and the cigarette presented irony from the original knowledge about the base artwork. Combining all these elements, the artist was able to express the idea of the paining, which is how something clean and subtle, can turn into something mischievous or bizarre. The elements provided the audience a sense of bizarre facial elements on the subject, which caused a subtle, dark, and mysterious tone to be emanated from the painting. Interpretation By Paolo Alilam In this artwork Luis Lorenzana painted a very different Mona Lisa. He depicted a very â€Å"overdosed† Mona Lisa with a stick of cigarette, a bottle of Red Horse, and face with clown-like make up. I think he was just trying to add a little bit of today in something very classic. The normal Mona Lisa shows a very pleasant portrait. Luis Lorenzana’s artworks usually show surrealism or bizarreness. This fact explains this rendition of the Mona Lisa. I think he created this just to show creativity and give people a different taste compared to the usual. Who would imagine Mona Lisa like this anyway? When I look at the artwork I feel a bit weirded-out. For me it’s not such a pleasant artwork. It’s somewhat scary even. But, like I said, he made this artwork just to give people a different taste. â€Å"Do I think there are symbols to the artwork?† Maybe. Maybe Luis Lorenzana likes cigarettes, drinks, and other things like that. Well, I don’t really k now the guy. Another possibility is that when he was painting this he was smoking or drinking. We’ll never know unless we ask him. Judgment By JV Valdez The artwork is a very surrealistic painting. It presents the famous Mona Lisa in some sort of parody in which seems like she’s high on drugs and drunk from drinking â€Å"Red Horse beer†. In my opinion the artist presented a really good distortion of the Mona Lisa. In the original painting of the Mona Lisa she was presented as a demure woman, however the artist distorted that and turned her into a non-conservative drunkard. Based on my personal preferences, I would consider this as a good artwork because I have a preference for artworks that look demented and creepy. However, I don’t think it is an important artwork because I have seen a lot of different artworks trying to do the same distortion with the Mona Lisa as well. I also don’t find the artwork unique in anyway because like I said I have seen other distortions of the Mona Lisa and I view this certain artwork as just one of the many different imitations. All in all I really like this artwork because it has that eerie and demented emotion that it is trying to evoke from viewers, which gives me the creeps every time I look at it.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Role of Government in Economy

Nowadays, there are debates on how far government should interfere with the economy. Government has played an impact on the economy with the purpose to maximize the well-being of society. What governments generally do is to assure the economy grows at a steady pace, increase level of employment and stabilize the price level. However, whether government should take active policies to interfere with economy or just let it grow naturally has raised widely discussion. This essay discusses the role of government by analyzing both thought of Keynes and Friedman and then prove the effectiveness of Friedman’s theory with historical examples. Firstly, the Great Depression of the 1930s has helped prove the importance of government’s intervention on the economy in the past. The Great Depression started with a decrease in stock prices in America and then quickly spread to most parts of the world (McElvaine, 1993, p 59). There was a tremendous decrease on the demand and global trade, followed by high unemployment rate. As a result, various measures were taken by governments worldwide in an attempt to accelerate the economy’s recovery and reduce the unemployment rate including stimulation on demand by spending much more than they took in (Fox, 2008, p 1). At the final several years of the Great Depression, Keynesian macroeconomic theory, which shows the importance of government’s role on the economy, has played an impact on interventionists’ policies. In Keynesian economics, when inefficient economic outcomes aroused from decisions of private sector, public sector needs to take active measures. By fiscal policy adjusting taxes and government spending and monetary policy which deals with the amount of money supplied and credit, government could help stabilize the economic growth rate, and then plays an impact on price level and employment rate in the process (Congdon, 2007, p 169). In the case of the Great Depression, Keynes said the low unemployment rate were the result of insufficient demand, thus intervention of government was important to run deficits, increase spending and/or cutting taxes, and so as to keep people fully employed (Aikins, 2009, p 403). However, the stagflation of 1970s has challenged Keynesian theory bringing debates on the intervention of government on the economy (Gittins, 2010, p 6). According to Bresiger (2009) it was the 1970s, economic growth was weak, resulting in rising unemployment that eventually reached double-digits. The easy-money policies, which financed huge budget deficits and were supported by political leaders, were then undertaken by the American central bank, in order to generate full employment. However, it also caused high inflation which began in late 1972 and didn't end until the early 1980s. The great inflation, and the recession that followed, wrecked many businesses and hurt countless individuals. As Bresiger (2009) concluded in his article that before inflation returned to low single digits, another brutal policy of tight money, including the acceptance of a recession would be expected, and meanwhile the unemployment rate would exceed 10%. Given the increasing skepticism towards usefulness of fiscal policy and its multiplier effects proposed by Keynesian theory, another macroeconomic policy named monetarism chiefly proposed by Milton Friedman has attracted growing supports (Issing, 2010, p 35). It was supported by Bernhut (2003) concerning monetary policy, emphasizing on the amounts of money that government should determine to supply in circulation. The theory of monetarism puts a stress on the benefits aroused from free market economics and weaknesses associated with government intervention on the economy (Congdon, 2007, p 200). The appropriate economic role for government is to manage the amount of money in circulation, so as to influence aggregate output in the short run and finally control the level of prices and inflation rate over longer periods. Particularly during the 1980s, some of the laissez-faire thoughts proposed by Friedman including monetary policy, privatization, deregulation and taxation, were used by governments (Congdon, 2007, p 202). After analyzing the thought of both Keynes and Friedman respectively, it may be better to give a comparison on the two theories in order to see what role government should take in the economy. As Issing (2010 p 1) says in his article, after the Great Depression, there was dominant belief on the Keynesian theory. However, the lessons obtained from the stagflation of 1970s, associated with Keynesian policies, are that unrestrained and neffectively planned intervention by government could give rise to market failure and adverse economic outcome (Aikins, 2009, p 405). The weakness of Keynesian theory was supported by Callaghan who stated that cutting taxes and boosting government spending during recession would inject higher inflation rate followed by higher rate of unemployment (Issing , 2010, p 2). On the contrary, rather than regarding insufficient demand as the key factor driven the Great Depression, Friedman argued it was largely caused by the Federal Reserve reducing the money supply. In the article, Issing (2010) plays an importance on the money by illustrating that ignoring monetary factors has led to the worst crisis since the Great Depression related to the asset price bubbles. Another example which helps prove the effectiveness of monetarism was given by Congdon (2007). When Margaret Thatcher won the 1979 general election in United Kingdom, Britain had several inflation for several year, with inflation rate rarely below 10%. Even worse, the rate had reached 27% by the time of the election. Thatcher implemented monetarism to control inflation, and successfully reduced the rate to 4% at 1983. There was a global recession at that time, and Thatcher's monetarist policies contributed to the success of fighting against the recession, meanwhile helped Britain become one of the nations which recover economic growth firstly. To sum up, this essay has examined two theories concerning about the role that government should take in economy. In Keynesian economy, fiscal policy is particularly an important tool that government should use when aggregate demand is not insufficient and keep full employment by running government deficit. Historical evidence has showed that it was not an efficient way to fight recession. Conversely the monetarism offers Keynesians a better view of monetary policy. It can be shown that the core ideology of monetarism can still work well today and monetary factors can not be neglected, thus government has a role to determine amount of money supplied as well as the volume of credit in all aspects, but not interfere with the economy unrestrainedly and ineffectively.